/* FFT form of Taylor and Fourier series, Padé approximant, spline approximation and roots of polynomials 17.02.2024 */ /* global complex */ const CENTRE = 314, COLOUR = "#FFFFFF", LZ = Decimal.acos(-1), ZER = Complex(Decimal(0), Decimal(0)), ONE = Complex(Decimal(1), Decimal(0)); var canvas, com = 1, dif = 0, exp = 32, opt = 0, twice = CENTRE << 1; function form() { // build and write form var form = '
'; form += '
'; form += ''; form += '
 Beispiele   '; if (com == 1) form += ''; else form += ''; if (com == 2) form += ''; else form += ''; if (opt == 1) form += ''; else form += ''; if (opt == 2) form += '
'; else form += '
'; if (opt == 3) form += ''; else form += ''; if (opt == 4) form += ''; else form += ''; if (opt == 5) form += '
'; else form += '
'; form += '. Grades   '; form += '. Stufe   '; form += '  -lb(Epsilon)   '; form += '. Ableitung'; form += '. Integral
'; form += ' Exponent'; form += ' Zählergrad'; form += ' Nennergrad'; form += ' Knoten'; form += ' Anzahl
'; form += ''; form += ''; form += ''; form += ''; form += ''; form += ''; form += ''; form += ''; form += ''; form += '
Realteil:'; form += '
'; document.writeln(form); canvas = new Raphael("canvas", twice, twice + 1); } function solve_ls(mat) { // solve linear equation of rank d with coefficients in m using Gauss Jordan algorithm // m: array[d][d+1] // returns solution in m[i][d+1] // returns false if no solution found // // usage: // // EQ 1: a * x + b * y = c // EQ 2: e * x + f * y = g // // var m = [ [ a, b, c ], [ e, f, g ] ]; // if (solve_ls(m)) { // x = m[0][2]; // y = m[1][2]; // } else { // no solution // } function find_max(rv) { var ma = d, mi = Decimal(0); for (var c = rv + 1; c < d; c++) { if (mat[c][rv].cabs().re.gt(mi)) { mi = mat[c][rv].cabs().re; ma = c; } } return ma; } function swap_rows(r1, r2) { for (var c = 0; c <= d; c++) { [mat[r1][c], mat[r2][c]] = [mat[r2][c], mat[r1][c]]; } } function norm_row(rp) { // require m[r][r] != 0 mat[r][r] = ONE; for (var c = r + 1; c <= d; c++) { mat[r][c] = mat[r][c].cmul(rp); } } function pivo_cell(za) { mat[zr][r] = ZER; for (var c = r + 1; c <= d; c++) { mat[zr][c] = mat[zr][c].cadd(za.cmul(mat[r][c])); } } var d = mat.length; for (var r = 0; r < d; r++) { if (mat[r][r].re.eq(Decimal(0)) && mat[r][r].im.eq(Decimal(0))) { var nzr = find_max(r); if (nzr == d) return false; swap_rows(r, nzr); } // assert m[r][r] != 0 if (!(mat[r][r].re.eq(Decimal(0)) && mat[r][r].im.eq(Decimal(0)))) norm_row(ONE.cdiv(mat[r][r])); for (var zr = 0; zr < d; zr++) { if (zr != r && !(mat[zr][r].re.eq(Decimal(0)) && mat[zr][r].im.eq(Decimal(0)))) { pivo_cell(mat[zr][r].cneg()); } } } return true; } function initialise_tft(signal, pbsize, realft, zvalue, prefac, pshift, method, epsilo) { var s = ONE, t = new Complex((method == 1) ? Decimal(epsilo) : Decimal(1/16384), Decimal(0)); var u = new Complex(Decimal(0), LZ.mul(Decimal(2).div(Decimal(pbsize)))).cexp(), z = zvalue.cadd(t); // check input and compute coefficients if (realft.search(/[^\.\(\)\w\-\[\]]/g) == -1) { /* check real function */ realft = realft.replace(/\./g, ".c").replace(/\[E\]/g, "Complex(Decimal(1).exp(),Decimal(0))"); realft = realft.replace(/\[I\]/g, "Complex(Decimal(0),Decimal(1))"); realft = realft.replace(/\[PI\]/g, "Complex(Decimal.acos(-1),Decimal(0))") + ".cadd([0])"; if (!(pshift.re.eq(Decimal(0)) && pshift.im.eq(Decimal(0)))) realft = realft.replace(/z/g, "(z.csub(Complex(Decimal(" + pshift.re.toNumber() + "), Decimal(" + + pshift.im.toNumber() + "))))"); if (!(prefac.re.eq(Decimal(1)) && prefac.im.eq(Decimal(0)))) realft = realft.replace(/z/g, "(z.cmul(Complex(Decimal(" + prefac.re.toNumber() + "), Decimal(" + + prefac.im.toNumber() + "))))"); realft = realft.replace(/\[/g, "Complex(Decimal(").replace(/\]/g, "),Decimal(0))"); try { signal[0] = eval(realft); } catch (exception) { alert("Ausdruck ist nicht auswertbar!"); } if (signal[0] !== null) { for (var k = 1; k < pbsize; k++) { s = s.cmul(u); z = zvalue.cadd(t.cmul(s)); signal[k] = eval(realft); } } } else alert("Ausdruck enthält ungültige(s) Zeichen!"); return realft; } function initialise_fft(signal, pbsize, prefac, pshift, realft) { var x = new Complex(LZ.neg(), Decimal(0)), j, k, y, z; var u = LZ.div(Decimal(pbsize)), e = Decimal(1e-17), f = 0; // check input and compute coefficients if (realft.search(/[^\.\(\)\w\-\[\]]/g) == -1) { /* check real function */ realft = realft.replace(/\./g, ".c").replace(/\[E\]/g, "Complex(Decimal(1).exp(),Decimal(0))"); realft = realft.replace(/\[I\]/g, "Complex(Decimal(0),Decimal(1))"); realft = realft.replace(/\[PI\]/g, "Complex(Decimal.acos(-1),Decimal(0))") + ".cadd([0])"; if (!(pshift.re.eq(Decimal(0)) && pshift.im.eq(Decimal(0)))) realft = realft.replace(/z/g, "(z.csub(Complex(Decimal(" + pshift.re.toNumber() + "), Decimal(" + + pshift.im.toNumber() + "))))"); if (!(prefac.re.eq(Decimal(1)) && prefac.im.eq(Decimal(0)))) realft = realft.replace(/z/g, "(z.cmul(Complex(Decimal(" + prefac.re.toNumber() + "), Decimal(" + + prefac.im.toNumber() + "))))"); realft = realft.replace(/\[/g, "Complex(Decimal(").replace(/\]/g, "),Decimal(0))"); try { z = x; signal[0] = eval(realft); if (signal[0].re.abs().lt(e) || signal[0].re.isNaN()) signal[0].re = Decimal(0); if (signal[0].im.abs().lt(e) || signal[0].im.isNaN()) signal[0].im = Decimal(0); } catch (exception) { alert("Ausdruck ist nicht auswertbar!"); } if (signal[0] !== null) { for (k = 1; k < 2 * pbsize; k++) { z = x.cadd(Complex(u.mul(Decimal(k)), Decimal(0))); signal[k] = eval(realft); if (signal[k].re.abs().lt(e) || signal[k].re.isNaN()) signal[k].re = Decimal(0); if (signal[k].im.abs().lt(e) || signal[k].im.isNaN()) signal[k].im = Decimal(0); } } } else alert("Ausdruck enthält ungültige(s) Zeichen!"); return f; } function cfft(ins) { var max = ins.length, i, j = 0, k, l = 1, m = max >> 1, n; var one = Decimal(1), two = Decimal(2), c1 = ONE, cn = c1.cneg(), t, u; // reverse bits for (i = 0; i < max - 1; i++) { if (i < j) [ins[i], ins[j]] = [ins[j], ins[i]]; k = m; while (k <= j) { j -= k; k >>= 1; } j += k; } // compute FFT for (k = 0; k < Math.log2(max); k++) { u = c1; m = l; l <<= 1; for (j = 0; j < m; j++) { for (i = j; i < max; i += l) { n = i + m; t = u.cmul(ins[n]); ins[n] = ins[i].csub(t); ins[i] = ins[i].cadd(t); } u = u.cmul(cn); } cn.im = one.sub(cn.re).div(two).sqrt().neg(); // do not negate for ifft, but normalise cn.re = one.add(cn.re).div(two).sqrt(); } } function output_pade(result, factor, elldeg, emmdeg, numera, denomi) { var d, s, str = "Auf sechzehn Dezimalstellen gerundete Koeffizienten der Taylorpolynome von Zähler p und Nenner q:\n"; var z = Decimal(0), matrix = [], l = elldeg, m = emmdeg, n = l - m; if (factor > 0) for (var k = 0; k < 32; k++) result[k] = result[k + factor]; // build matrix for (var i = 0; i < m; i++) { matrix[i] = []; matrix[i][m] = result[++n + m].cneg(); for (var j = 0; j < m; j++) matrix[i][j] = (n + j < 0) ? ZER : result[n + j]; } // solve linear system and determine coefficients of quotient if (solve_ls(matrix)) { denomi[0] = ONE; for (var j = 1; j <= m; j++) denomi[j] = matrix[m - j][m]; for (var i = 0; i <= l; i++) { d = result[i]; for (var j = 1; j <= Math.min(i, m); j++) d = d.cadd(denomi[j].cmul(result[i - j])); numera[i] = d; } // output quotient for (var k = 0; k <= l; k++) { s = (k < 10) ? "p[0" : "p["; str = str + s + k + "] = "; s = ((numera[k].re.gte(Decimal(0))) ? "+" : "") + numera[k].re.toExponential(50, 4).replace("e", ")e"); s = s.padEnd(59); str = str + s.substring(0, 17) + "(" + s.substring(17); /* real coefficient */ s = ((numera[k].im.gte(Decimal(0))) ? " +" : " ") + numera[k].im.toExponential(50, 4).replace("e", ")e"); str = str + s.substring(0, 17) + "(" + s.substring(17) + "im\n"; /* complex coefficient */ } for (var k = 0; k <= m; k++) { s = (k < 10) ? "q[0" : "q["; str = str + s + k + "] = "; s = ((denomi[k].re.gte(Decimal(0))) ? "+" : "") + denomi[k].re.toExponential(50, 4).replace("e", ")e"); s = s.padEnd(59); str = str + s.substring(0, 17) + "(" + s.substring(17); /* real coefficient */ s = ((denomi[k].im.gte(Decimal(0))) ? " +" : " ") + denomi[k].im.toExponential(50, 4).replace("e", ")e"); str = str + s.substring(0, 17) + "(" + s.substring(17) + "im\n"; /* complex coefficient */ } } else { str = str + "Das lineare Gleichungssystem ist nicht lösbar: Bitte eventuell andere Vorgabe wählen."; } return str; } function output_taylor(result, factor, intnum, ulimit, llimit) { var b = [], d, l = [], p = 32, s, str = "Auf sechzehn Dezimalstellen gerundete Koeffizienten der Taylorreihe:\n", v = ZER, w = ZER, u = []; if (factor > 0) p += factor - 1; b[0] = llimit; d = ulimit.csub(llimit).cdiv(new Complex(Decimal(intnum), Decimal(0))); for (var j = 0; j < intnum; j++) { l[j] = u[j] = result[p]; b[j + 1] = b[j].cadd(d); } for (var j = 0; j < intnum; j++) { for (var k = p - 1; k >= Math.max(0, factor); k--) { u[j] = u[j].cmul(b[j + 1]).cadd(result[k]); l[j] = l[j].cmul(b[j] ).cadd(result[k]); } } for (var k = Math.max(0, factor); k <= p; k++) { s = (k < factor + 10) ? "a[0" : "a["; str = str + s + (k - factor) + "] = "; s = ((result[k].re.gte(Decimal(0))) ? "+" : "") + result[k].re.toExponential(50, 4).replace("e", ")e"); s = s.padEnd(59); str = str + s.substring(0, 17) + "(" + s.substring(17); /* real coefficient */ s = ((result[k].im.gte(Decimal(0))) ? " +" : " ") + result[k].im.toExponential(50, 4).replace("e", ")e"); str = str + s.substring(0, 17) + "(" + s.substring(17) + "im\n"; /* complex coefficient */ } if (factor < 0) { d = new Complex(Decimal(-factor), Decimal(0)); for (var j = 0; j < intnum; j++) { u[j] = u[j].cmul(b[j + 1].cpow(d)); l[j] = l[j].cmul(b[j ].cpow(d)); } } for (var j = 0; j < intnum; j++) { v = v.cadd(u[j]); w = w.cadd(l[j]); } str = str + "Die Summe der oberen Werte beträgt:\n"; s = ((v.re.gte(Decimal(0))) ? "+" : "") + v.re.toExponential(50, 4).replace("e", ")e"); s = s.padEnd(59); str = str + s.substring(0, 17) + "(" + s.substring(17); s = ((v.im.gte(Decimal(0))) ? " +" : " ") + v.im.toExponential(50, 4).replace("e", ")e"); str = str + s.substring(0, 17) + "(" + s.substring(17) + "im\n"; str = str + "Die Summe der unteren Werte beträgt:\n"; s = ((w.re.gte(Decimal(0))) ? "+" : "") + w.re.toExponential(50, 4).replace("e", ")e"); s = s.padEnd(59); str = str + s.substring(0, 17) + "(" + s.substring(17); s = ((w.im.gte(Decimal(0))) ? " +" : " ") + w.im.toExponential(50, 4).replace("e", ")e"); str = str + s.substring(0, 17) + "(" + s.substring(17) + "im\n"; d = v.csub(w); str = str + "Die Differenz der Werte beträgt:\n"; s = ((d.re.gte(Decimal(0))) ? "+" : "") + d.re.toExponential(50, 4).replace("e", ")e"); s = s.padEnd(59); str = str + s.substring(0, 17) + "(" + s.substring(17); s = ((d.im.gte(Decimal(0))) ? " +" : " ") + d.im.toExponential(50, 4).replace("e", ")e"); str = str + s.substring(0, 17) + "(" + s.substring(17) + "im\n"; return str; } function output_spline(spline, values, degree, knotno) { var s, str = "\nAuf sechzehn Dezimalstellen gerundete Koeffizienten der Splines:"; for (var i = 0; i < knotno; i++) { str = str + "\nKnoten " + (i + 1) + " bei "; s = ((values[i].re.gte(Decimal(0))) ? "+" : "") + values[i].re.toExponential(50, 4).replace("e", ")e"); s = s.padEnd(59); str = str + s.substring(0, 17) + "(" + s.substring(17).trimEnd() + ":\n"; /* real coefficient */ for (var j = 0; j <= degree; j++) { str = str + "s[" + (i + 1) + "][" + j + "] = "; s = ((spline[i][j].re.gte(Decimal(0))) ? "+" : "") + spline[i][j].re.toExponential(50, 4).replace("e", ")e"); s = s.padEnd(59); str = str + s.substring(0, 17) + "(" + s.substring(17); /* real coefficient */ s = ((spline[i][j].im.gte(Decimal(0))) ? " +" : " ") + spline[i][j].im.toExponential(50, 4).replace("e", ")e"); str = str + s.substring(0, 17) + "(" + s.substring(17) + "im\n"; /* complex coefficient */ } } return str; } function compute_taylor(result, pbsize, factor, epsilo) { var z = Decimal(0), p = 32, c = new Complex((pbsize >= p) ? Decimal(epsilo) : Decimal(1/16384), Decimal(0)); var f = Decimal(1), h = new Complex(Decimal(pbsize), Decimal(0)); if (factor < 0) for (var k = 1; k <= -factor; k++) f = f.div(Decimal(k)); else p += factor; result[0] = result[0].cdiv(h); h = h.cmul(c); result[0] = result[0].cmul(Complex(f, z).cmul((factor > 0) ? ZER : ONE)); for (var k = 1; k < p; k++) { result[k] = result[k].cdiv(h); h = h.cmul(c); // differentiate or integrate if (factor < 0) { f = f.mul(Decimal(k)).div(Decimal(k - factor)); } else if (factor > 0) { f = f.mul(Decimal(k)); if (k > factor) f = f.div(Decimal(k - factor)); } result[k] = result[k].cmul(Complex(f, z).cmul((k < factor) ? ZER : ONE)); } } function compute_fourier(result, pbsize, differ) { var f = new Complex(Decimal(differ), Decimal(0)), h = new Complex(Decimal(pbsize), Decimal(0)), n = pbsize / 2, s; var str = "Auf sechzehn Dezimalstellen gerundete Koeffizienten der Fourierreihe:\n"; // differentiate if necessary for (var j = -n; j < n; j++) { k = (j < 0) ? j + pbsize : j; result[k] = result[k].cdiv(h).cmul(Complex(Decimal(0), Decimal(Math.round(j))).cpow(f)); h = h.cneg(); s = (j < 0) ? "c[" : "c[ "; if (Math.abs(j) < 10) s = s + " "; str = str + s + j + "] = "; s = ((result[k].re.gte(Decimal(0))) ? "+" : "") + result[k].re.toExponential(50, 4).replace("e", ")e"); s = s.padEnd(59); str = str + s.substring(0, 17) + "(" + s.substring(17); /* real coefficient */ s = ((result[k].im.gte(Decimal(0))) ? " +" : " ") + result[k].im.toExponential(50, 4).replace("e", ")e"); str = str + s.substring(0, 17) + "(" + s.substring(17) + "im\n"; /* complex coefficient */ } return str; } function compute_simpson(result, pbsize, zvalue, conver, realft) { var c0 = ZER, c1 = ONE; var c2 = new Complex(Decimal( 2), Decimal(0)), c3 = new Complex(Decimal(3), Decimal(0 )); var c4 = new Complex(Decimal( 4), Decimal(0)), c5 = new Complex(Decimal(5), Decimal(0 )); var c6 = new Complex(Decimal( 6), Decimal(0)), c7 = new Complex(Decimal(7), Decimal(0 )); var c8 = new Complex(Decimal(16384), Decimal(0)), c9 = new Complex(Decimal(0), Decimal(1e-40)); var fa = [], ga = [], ha = [], height = [], f, g, h, p, v = c0, w, y, x, r = Decimal(1e16 ); var str = "Auf sechzehn Dezimalstellen gerundete Iterationen:\n", e = zvalue, z = zvalue; // determine coefficients by differentiating Taylor series if (conver > 1) { height[0] = new Complex(Decimal(1 / pbsize), Decimal(0)); result[0] = result[0].cmul(height[0]); for (var k = 1; k < pbsize; k++) { height[k] = height[k - 1].cmul(c8); result[k] = result[k].cmul(height[k]); fa[k] = result[k].cmul(Complex(Decimal(k), Decimal(0))); ga[k] = fa[k].cmul(Complex(Decimal(k - 1), Decimal(0))); ha[k] = ga[k].cmul(Complex(Decimal(k - 2), Decimal(0))); } pbsize--; } // determine derivatives by using Horner's scheme for (var m = 1; m < 17; m++) { if (conver > 1) { f = g = h = x = c0; var k = pbsize; do { f = f.cmul(v).cadd( fa[k]); x = x.cmul(v).cadd(result[k]); } while (--k > 0); x = x.cmul(v).cadd(result[0]); } // precise and fast, quadratic, cubic, quartic, quintic, sextic, septic, and octic convergence switch(conver) { case 0: y = z; z = y.cadd(c9); x = eval(realft); z = y.csub(c9); f = eval(realft); z = c1.csub( x.cdiv(f)); z = c2.cdiv(z).csub(c1); v = v.cadd( z.cmul(c9)); break; case 1: y = z; z = y.cadd(c9); x = eval(realft); z = y.csub(c9); f = eval(realft); z = c1.csub( x.cdiv(f)); z = c2.cdiv(z).csub(c1); w = z.cmul(c9); x = x.cadd( f).cdiv(c2); f = x.csub( f).cdiv(c9); // see case 8 z = y.cadd(w); g = eval(realft); y = w.cmul(g); w = x.csub(g.cmul(c2)); z = z.cadd(y.cdiv(w )); h = eval(realft); w = x.csub(g).cdiv( w); y = h.cdiv( g.csub(h)); w = w.cmul(w).cadd( y); y = h.cmul(c4); y = y.cdiv( x.cadd(h)); y = y.cadd( w); y = y.cmul( h.cdiv(f)); y = y.cadd(zvalue); v = z.csub( y); break; case 2: v = v.csub( x.cdiv(f)); break; case 3: k = pbsize; do { g = g.cmul(v).cadd( ga[k]); } while (--k > 1); g = g.cdiv(c2.cmul(f)); g = g.csub( f.cdiv(x)); v = v.cadd(c1.cdiv(g)); break; case 4: k = pbsize; do { g = g.cmul(v).cadd( ga[k]); h = h.cmul(v).cadd( ha[k]); } while (--k > 2); g = g.cmul(v).cadd( ga[2]); g = g.cmul(x); z = f.cmul(f); y = z.csub(g).cmul(c2); g = g.cadd(y); f = f.cmul( y.cdiv(g)); y = x.cdiv(z).cdiv(c6); y = y.cmul(h); y = f.cdiv(x).cadd(y ); v = v.csub(c1.cdiv(y)); break; case 5: z = v.csub( x.cdiv(f)); k = pbsize; do { g = g.cmul(z).cadd(result[k]); h = h.cmul(z).cadd( fa[k]); } while (--k > 0); g = g.cmul(z).cadd(result[0]); h = h.cmul(h ); g = g.cdiv(f ); f = f.cmul(f ); y = f.cmul(c5); y = y.cadd(c3.cmul(h)); x = f.cadd(c7.cmul(h)); y = y.cdiv(x).cmul(g ); v = z.csub(y ); break; case 6: z = v.csub( x.cdiv(f)); k = pbsize; do { g = g.cmul(z).cadd( fa[k]); } while (--k > 0); z = x.cdiv( f.cadd(g)); z = v.csub(c2.cmul(z)); k = pbsize; do { h = h.cmul(z).cadd(result[k]); } while (k-- > 0); y = c3.cmul(g).csub(f); y = f.cadd(g).cdiv(y); y = h.cdiv(f).cmul(y); v = z.csub(y); break; case 7: y = x.cdiv(f); z = v.csub(y); k = pbsize; do { g = g.cmul(z).cadd(result[k]); } while (k-- > 0); y = y.cmul(g); w = x.csub(g.cmul(c2)); z = z.csub(y.cdiv( w)); k = pbsize; do { h = h.cmul(z).cadd(result[k]); } while (k-- > 0); x = x.csub(g).cdiv( w); y = h.cdiv( g.csub(h)); x = x.cmul(x).cadd( y); x = x.cdiv(f).cmul( h); v = z.csub(x); break; case 8: y = x.cdiv(f); z = v.csub(y); k = pbsize; do { g = g.cmul(z).cadd(result[k]); } while (k-- > 0); y = y.cmul(g); w = x.csub(g.cmul(c2)); z = z.csub(y.cdiv(w )); k = pbsize; do { h = h.cmul(z).cadd(result[k]); } while (k-- > 0); w = x.csub(g).cdiv( w); y = h.cdiv( g.csub(h)); w = w.cmul(w).cadd( y); y = h.cmul(c4); y = y.cdiv( x.cadd(h)); y = y.cadd( w); y = y.cmul( h.cdiv(f)); v = z.csub( y); break; default : } // output if interesting p = (m < 10) ? " " + m : m; z = v.cadd(zvalue); if (z.re.isNaN() || z.im.isNaN() || e.csub(z).cabs().re.lt(Decimal(2e-80))) { m = 17; str = str + "Berechnung vorzeitig beendet: Bitte eventuell andere Vorgabe wählen."; } else { s = ((z.re.gte(Decimal(0))) ? "+" : "") + z.re.toExponential(16, 4); str = str + p + ": Re(z) = " + s.padEnd(24) + " (" + ((z.re.gte(Decimal(0))) ? "+" : "") + z.re.toExponential(80, 4) + ")\n"; s = ((z.im.gte(Decimal(0))) ? "+" : "") + z.im.toExponential(16, 4); str = str + "und Im(z) = " + s.padEnd(24) + " (" + ((z.im.gte(Decimal(0))) ? "+" : "") + z.im.toExponential(80, 4) + ")\n"; } e = z; } return str + "|" + e.re.toNumber(); } function compute_coeffs() { var deg, dif, eps, fac, fct, inp = [], inq = [], inr = [], kno = [], pee = [], pol = [], quu = [], lev, n = Decimal(0), num, x = n, index = document.fft.b.selectedIndex; var lli, llr, lol, pfi, pfr, poi, por, shi, shr, str = "", uli, ulr, upl, vpf, vpo, vsh, y = Decimal(1); // insert examples if (index > 0) { switch (index) { case 1 : document.fft.pbsize.value = "z.add([1]).log()"; break; case 2 : document.fft.pbsize.value = "z.atan()"; break; case 3 : document.fft.pbsize.value = "[1].div([1].sub(z))"; break; case 4 : document.fft.pbsize.value = "[200e-2].mul([I]).mul(z.exp())"; break; case 5 : document.fft.pbsize.value = "[PI].add([E].mul(z.mul(z).mul(z)))"; break; case 6 : document.fft.pbsize.value = "z.mul([2]).cos()"; break; case 7 : document.fft.pbsize.value = "z.abs()"; break; case 8 : document.fft.pbsize.value = "z.div(z.abs())"; break; case 9 : document.fft.pbsize.value = "z.sin().abs()"; break; case 10 : document.fft.pbsize.value = "[1].div(z).sin()"; break; } } // determine Taylor or Fourier series, compute Padé approximant or spline approximation and zeros resp. fct = document.fft.pbsize.value.toString(); eps = 1 / Math.pow(2, Number(document.fft.eps.value)); por = (isNaN(document.fft.pore.value)) ? 0 : Number(document.fft.pore.value); poi = (isNaN(document.fft.poim.value)) ? 0 : Number(document.fft.poim.value); ulr = (isNaN(document.fft.ulre.value)) ? 0 : Number(document.fft.ulre.value); uli = (isNaN(document.fft.ulim.value)) ? 0 : Number(document.fft.ulim.value); llr = (isNaN(document.fft.llre.value)) ? 0 : Number(document.fft.llre.value); lli = (isNaN(document.fft.llim.value)) ? 0 : Number(document.fft.llim.value); pfr = (isNaN(document.fft.pfre.value)) ? 0 : Number(document.fft.pfre.value); pfi = (isNaN(document.fft.pfim.value)) ? 0 : Number(document.fft.pfim.value); shr = (isNaN(document.fft.shre.value)) ? 0 : Number(document.fft.shre.value); shi = (isNaN(document.fft.shim.value)) ? 0 : Number(document.fft.shim.value); vpo = new Complex(Decimal(por), Decimal(poi)); upl = new Complex(Decimal(ulr), Decimal(uli)); lol = new Complex(Decimal(llr), Decimal(lli)); vpf = new Complex(Decimal(pfr), Decimal(pfi)); vsh = new Complex(Decimal(shr), Decimal(shi)); if (Number(document.fft.inn.value) > 0) inn = Number(document.fft.inn.value); if (Number(document.fft.com.value) > 0) com = Number(document.fft.com.value); if (Number(document.fft.opt.value) > 0) opt = Number(document.fft.opt.value); if (Number(document.fft.dif.value) >= 0) dif = Number(document.fft.dif.value); if (Number(document.fft.ite.value) >= 0 && dif == 0 && opt != 2) { dif = -Number(document.fft.ite.value); document.fft.dif.value = 0; } else { document.fft.ite.value = 0; } if (Number(document.fft.exp.value) > 0) exp = Math.pow(2, Number(document.fft.exp.value)); // process options switch (opt) { case 1 : initialise_tft(inp, exp * 2, fct, vpo, vpf, vsh, opt, eps); if (inp[0] !== null) { cfft(inp); compute_taylor(inp, exp * 2, dif, eps); document.fft.result.value = output_taylor(inp, dif, inn, upl, lol); pee = inp; ell = exp; quu[0] = ONE; emm = 0; } break; case 2 : exp /= 2; initialise_fft(inp, exp, vpf, vsh, fct); if (inp[0] !== null) { cfft(inp); document.fft.result.value = compute_fourier(inp, exp * 2, 0); pee = inp; ell = exp; quu[0] = ONE; emm = 0; } exp /= 2; break; case 3 : exp /= 2; lev = Number(document.fft.lev.value); fac = (lev > 1) ? initialise_tft(inp, exp, fct, vpo, vpf, vsh, opt, eps) : initialise_tft(inp, 1, fct, vpo, vpf, vsh, opt, eps); if (inp[0] !== null) { if (lev > 1) cfft(inp); quu[0] = compute_simpson(inp, exp, vpo, lev, fac); pee = quu[0].split("|"); document.fft.result.value = pee[0]; quu[0] = pee[1]; pee = inp; ell = exp; emm = 0; } exp *= 2; break; case 4 : initialise_tft(inp, exp * 2, fct, vpo, vpf, vsh, 1, eps); if (inp[0] !== null) { cfft(inp); compute_taylor(inp, exp * 2, 0, eps); ell = Number(document.fft.ell.value); emm = Number(document.fft.emm.value); document.fft.result.value = output_pade(inp, 0, ell, emm, pee, quu); } break; case 5 : initialise_tft(inp, exp * 2, fct, vpo, vpf, vsh, 1, eps); if (inp[0] !== null) { deg = Number(document.fft.deg.value); num = Number(document.fft.num.value); cfft(inp); compute_taylor(inp, exp * 2, 0, eps); kno[0] = new Complex(LZ.neg(), Decimal(0)); lev = new Complex(LZ.mul(Decimal(2).div(Decimal(num - 1))), Decimal(0)); for (var i = 0; i < num; i++) { pol[i] = []; initialise_tft(pol[i], exp * 2, fct, kno[i], vpf, vsh, 1, eps); cfft(pol[i]); compute_taylor(pol[i], exp * 2, 0, eps); kno[i+1] = kno[i].cadd(lev); } document.fft.result.value = output_taylor(inp, 0, inn, upl, lol) + output_spline(pol, kno, deg, num); pee = inp; quu[0] = ONE; ell = num; emm = deg; } break; } if (inp[0] === null) { document.fft.result.value = str + "Auswertung ist nicht möglich."; } // draw graph show_fft(exp, fct, com, opt, ell, emm, pee, quu, vpo, vpf, vsh, dif, kno, pol); } function show_fft(asize, realf, compl, optio, eldeg, emdeg, numer, denom, value, prefa, pshif, diffe, knots, polys) { var bnd = 1e5, fac = new Complex(Decimal(-diffe), Decimal(0)), fra = new Complex(LZ.div(Decimal(asize)), Decimal(0)), graph = [], padeg = [], den, hlp, inc, len, max = -bnd, min = bnd, meths =[" ", "Taylor", "Fourier", "Nullstelle", "Padé", "Spline"]; var k = -twice, m = 2 * asize, r = asize - 0.5, z = Complex(LZ, Decimal(0)).cneg(), quo = 2 * r / twice, str, tst, zend_x, end_y, horizontal_axis, vertical_axis, start_x, start_y; realf = realf.replace(/\./g, ".c").replace(/\[E\]/g, "Complex(Decimal(1).exp(),Decimal(0))"); realf = realf.replace(/\[I\]/g, "Complex(Decimal(0),Decimal(1))"); realf = realf.replace(/\[PI\]/g, "Complex(Decimal.acos(-1),Decimal(0))") + ".cadd([0])"; if (!(pshif.re.eq(Decimal(0)) && pshif.im.eq(Decimal(0)))) realf = realf.replace(/z/g, "(z.csub(Complex(Decimal(" + pshif.re.toNumber() + "), Decimal(" + + pshif.im.toNumber() + "))))"); if (!(prefa.re.eq(Decimal(1)) && prefa.im.eq(Decimal(0)))) realf = realf.replace(/z/g, "(z.cmul(Complex(Decimal(" + prefa.re.toNumber() + "), Decimal(" + + prefa.im.toNumber() + "))))"); realf = realf.replace(/\[/g, "Complex(Decimal(").replace(/\]/g, "),Decimal(0))"); switch (optio) { // compute Taylor series if requested case 1: z = z.csub(value); inc = (diffe > 0) ? diffe : 0; for (var n = 0; n < 2 * asize; n++) { hlp = numer[eldeg]; for (var l = eldeg + inc - 1; l >= inc; l--) hlp = hlp.cmul(z).cadd(numer[l]); padeg[n] = (diffe < 0) ? hlp.cmul(z.cpow(fac)) : hlp; z = z.cadd(fra); } break; // compute Fourier series if requested case 2: for (var n = 0; n < 2 * asize; n++) { hlp = numer[0]; for (var l = 1 - m; l < m; l++) hlp = hlp.cadd(z.cmul(Complex(Decimal(0), Decimal(-l))).cexp().cmul(numer[m - l])); padeg[n] = hlp; z = z.cadd(fra); } break; // compute Padé approximant if requested case 4: z = z.csub(value); for (var n = 0; n < 2 * asize; n++) { hlp = numer[eldeg]; for (var l = eldeg - 1; l >= 0; l--) hlp = hlp.cmul(z).cadd(numer[l]); den = denom[emdeg]; for (var m = emdeg - 1; m >= 0; m--) den = den.cmul(z).cadd(denom[m]); padeg[n] = hlp.cdiv(den); z = z.cadd(fra); } break; // compute spline approximation if requested case 5: fac = new Complex(LZ.mul(Decimal(2).div(Decimal(eldeg - 1))), Decimal(0)); eldeg = 0; for (var n = 0; n < 2 * asize; n++) { hlp = polys[eldeg][emdeg]; z = z.csub(knots[eldeg]); for (var m = emdeg - 1; m >= 0; m--) hlp = hlp.cmul(z).cadd(polys[eldeg][m]); z = z.cadd(knots[eldeg]); padeg[n] = hlp.cmul(knots[++eldeg].csub(z)); hlp = polys[eldeg][emdeg]; z = z.csub(knots[eldeg]); for (var m = emdeg - 1; m >= 0; m--) hlp = hlp.cmul(z).cadd(polys[eldeg][m]); z = z.cadd(knots[eldeg]); padeg[n] = padeg[n].cadd(hlp.cmul(z.csub(knots[--eldeg]))).cdiv(fac); z = z.cadd(fra); if (z.re.toNumber() > knots[eldeg+1].re.toNumber()) eldeg++; } break; } // determine minimum and maximum z = new Complex(LZ.neg(), Decimal(0)); for (var n = 0; n < 2 * asize; n++) { graph[n] = eval(realf); tst = (compl == 1) ? graph[n].re.toNumber() : graph[n].im.toNumber(); if (tst > max) max = tst; if (tst < min) min = tst; z = z.cadd(fra); } if (max > bnd) max = bnd; if (min < -bnd) min = -bnd; bnd = Math.round(Math.max(Math.abs(max), Math.abs(min)) + 0.499); len = bnd.toString().length; // draw axes canvas.clear(); start_x = 0; start_y = 0; end_x = twice; end_y = twice; horizontal_axis = canvas.path("M" + start_x + " " + CENTRE + "L" + end_x + " " + CENTRE); horizontal_axis.attr({"stroke": COLOUR, "stroke-width": 1 }); vertical_axis = canvas.path("M" + CENTRE + " " + start_y + "L" + CENTRE + " " + end_y); vertical_axis.attr({ "stroke": COLOUR, "stroke-width": 1 }); // add texts canvas.text(20, 6, ((compl == 1) ? "Re" : "Im") + "(f(z))").attr({fill: COLOUR}); canvas.text(6, CENTRE + 6, "-π").attr({fill: COLOUR}); canvas.text(twice - 6, CENTRE + 6, "π").attr({fill: COLOUR}); canvas.text(CENTRE - 4 * len++, 6, bnd.toString()).attr({fill: COLOUR}); canvas.text(CENTRE - 4 * len, twice - 6, "-" + bnd.toString()).attr({fill: COLOUR}); canvas.text((optio == 3) ? 30 : 20, 20, ((optio == 3) ? "X " : "--- ") + meths[optio]).attr({fill: "#FF0000"}); // draw function inc = quo * k / 2 + r; bnd = CENTRE / bnd; while (++k < twice) { if (k % 2 == 0) { start_y = (compl == 1) ? CENTRE - Math.round(bnd * graph[Math.round(inc)].re.toNumber()) : CENTRE - Math.round(bnd * graph[Math.round(inc)].im.toNumber()); inc += quo; end_y = (compl == 1) ? CENTRE - Math.round(bnd * graph[Math.round(inc)].re.toNumber()) : CENTRE - Math.round(bnd * graph[Math.round(inc)].im.toNumber()); horizontal_axis = canvas.path("M" + (start_x - 1) + " " + start_y + "L" + ++start_x + " " + end_y); horizontal_axis.attr({"stroke": COLOUR, "stroke-width": 1 }); } } // draw second result in red if available if (optio == 3) { canvas.text(CENTRE + Math.round(CENTRE * denom[0] / Math.PI), CENTRE, "X").attr({fill: "#FF0000"}); } else { start_x = 0; k = -twice; inc = quo * k / 2 + r; while (++k < twice) { if (k % 2 == 0) { start_y = (compl == 1) ? CENTRE - Math.round(bnd * padeg[Math.round(inc)].re.toNumber()) : CENTRE - Math.round(bnd * padeg[Math.round(inc)].im.toNumber()); inc += quo; end_y = (compl == 1) ? CENTRE - Math.round(bnd * padeg[Math.round(inc)].re.toNumber()) : CENTRE - Math.round(bnd * padeg[Math.round(inc)].im.toNumber()); horizontal_axis = canvas.path("M" + (start_x - 1) + " " + start_y + "L" + ++start_x + " " + end_y); horizontal_axis.attr({"stroke": "#FF0000", "stroke-width": 1 }); } } } } // main programme form(); document.fft.result.value = "Beispiele:\n1) z.add([1]).log() für ln(z+1)\n2) z.atan() für arctan(z)\n3) [1].div([1].sub(z)) für 1/(1-z)\n4) [200e-2].mul([I]).mul(z.exp()) für 2ieᶻ \n5) [PI].add([E].mul(z.mul(z).mul(z))) für π+ez³\n6) z.mul([2]).cos() für cos(2z)\n7) z.abs() für |z|\n8) z.div(z.abs()) für z/|z|\n9) z.sin().abs() für |sin(z)|\n10) [1].div(z).sin() für sin(1/z)"; compute_coeffs();